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A common thread.

Writer's picture: JM KraemerJM Kraemer

Not long ago someone asked me for my opinion on a recent tragic event. Sadly such events are becoming more common with each passing day. Violence seems to be the norm of our society vs something that is extremely rare. While no event ever plays out in the same scope or nature. They do seem to share some common threads.

At it's core it boils down to a deep obsession and desire of our current society to push God out of the public square. To an extent this has always been going on. However social media platforms make this all the more apparent. Good is no longer accepted and tolerated. While evil is considered great and celebrated. We no longer stand against the sins of the world. Our society has decided to openly embrace them. Combined with the current political climate that encourages endless saber rattling. That seeks out to encourage hateful words and endless dehumanizing of those we tend to disagree with. It creates this nasty toxic stew that seeps into the void created by our society's rejection of God.

This leads to a moment when an internal spiritual crisis develops. The evil one is always whispering in our ears. Doing what it can to find the right kind of soul to warp into what they want that person to do. Often going directions most normal people would not consider. Often feeding into a sense of desperation that something has to be done. Lashing out in extreme violence that destroys so many innocent lives.

For me, at least, such violence is no longer a surprise given the current nature of the world. The more that we reject God and embrace the sins of the world. The more room evil has to lurk about unchecked. Society is not always aware that we are in the middle of an on going spiritual war. With the battle lines having been drawn long before we were born.

The question in all of this is what can we do. The main thing is to hold on to Christ fully. Make no compromises on what we believe in. If we say that we follow Christ than we should live that faith fully. Make no compromises on the teachings. If we do have issues than seek out spiritual direction and praying for our hearts to change.

One of the more important things that we can do is make the Mass a priority. If we are able to attend in person then every effort should be made with out fail. Keeping our eyes focused on Christ. Being at Mass helps with that.

As I’ve been reflecting on things lately. The more I come to understand the importance of picking up my Cross and following Christ. The world will always be on fire in some form. It is up to us to decide how we will live in that world. -

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