It is a typical parish display weekend and I’m about to become very busy. My Saturday starts off with an hour or two before the vigil Mass. The Project has arrived at the parish either that morning or a day or two before hand. Often depending on the arraignments that have been made. It can be a bit nerve wracking since your trying to move a 47x25x25 inch build that weighs close to eighty pounds. More so if this happens to be the first display with this specific build. Once I arrive I do a quick inspection for any obvious issues and fix what needs to be take care of.
How the rest of the weekend plays out kind of depends on the nature of this display. If this is first time I’ve been to this parish then I will have to go into a bit more explanation about who I am and what I’m doing. If I’ve been here before then I get to catch up with people who have seen my work before and are amazed as to what I’ve created for this season.
As the time starts to draw closer to Mass people start coming in. They start to ask what is going on and why am I here. More of a curiosity than anything else. The older adults have this child-like excitement in their eyes. A spark of a distant memory. They move around The Project looking though the windows, doors, and the open spots where I’ve removed a few of the roof panels. The kids will do the same thing. The younger kids will be held up by a relative to see all the details that can be found. Along with both the kids and the adults asking a lot of questions.
It is at this point that I have to make a decision. Which Mass to I consider as the one I attend. Since I will be at the parish, in this case, for both. The majority of the time I will pick the Sat Mass. Usually their are a few less people and I can put more of a focus into things. Sunday’s can get pretty intense.
Within the last few years I’ve been giving some kind of short talk. Either before Mass starts or just before things are concluded. Before I get up to speak. I often say a quick prayer for what the Lord wants me to say. I’m not all that nervous. I’ve had the chance to talk about my work so it comes naturally. Even in front of a group of people. Once that is done I quietly make my way to where The Project is at. With my mobility issues that is important.
After Mass is when I get the majority of people coming over and looking at my work. The time when I get asked most of my questions. It is an intense experience. I am keeping an eye on things over all. Talking to people and engaging with everyone I can. Getting a lot of positive feed back and words of encouragement. Most of the time it is the Sunday Mass that draws most of the attention. More people attending. I will spend a lot of that time talking in great detail about what I’m doing. Pointing out various elements that are inside. While showing the children that the bells do ring.
If I’ve attended Mass on Saturday evening. Then during most of the Sunday Mass I will find a quiet place to sit. Some place out of the way. Such as the parish hall, a chapel, or even the main lobby. I do this so I can relax and calm myself. It would surprise people to know that in most cases outside of The Project I can be a bit more introverted. So I need a little time to recharge. Just part of the nature of my own disability.
With the display wrapped up and my time at the parish is finished. It is just a matter of time to figure out when The Project returns to my home and getting ready and prepared for the next event.
Any of of the displays that I do take a lot of work and effort. Along with amazing volunteers who can help provide the transportation. This is something that I love doing. I’m answering God’s call. May the Holy Spirit guide my work. -