WASHINGTON, DC — His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has issued the following statement on the occasion of Veterans Day, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023:
“11 November marks the end of the First World War, the “useless slaughter” in the words of Pope Benedict XV. War results from the failure of dialogue and announces the last resort. Unfortunately, it is still the reality for millions of people in our world today. We need only to think of Ukraine, the Holy Land, Syria, Africa, and so many other places.
“In the United States the anniversary of the end of the First World War has been set aside as a day to honor the men and women who donned uniforms and put their Nation before themselves. They risk their lives, sacrifice time with family and friends, set aside jobs, and often suffer the effects of their service into old age. Today we pause to thank them, to say a prayer for them, and to recognize their commitment to our freedom.
“In an age when the focus is always on the idol in the mirror, they raise their right hands to defend the Constitution, undergo training, keep watch, and risk everything for us. Please stop today, remember, and say a prayer for our Veterans. Especially, we cannot forget those who continue to suffer the effects of their wounds either in mind or in body. They carry the reminders of their commitment and their past with them always. We ask the Lord to give them consolation and healing.
“The occasion is also propitious to remember the families who mourn the loss of a loved one or who support a disabled Veteran. We pray and offer them our support.”
