On the corner of N. Charles and Deindorfer streets in Saginaw, Michigan is Christ The Good Shepherd Catholic church. Even now people still know it by it’s original name of St. Helen’s. It is an old church building. Built back in the days when the church was thriving and people answered the call to vocations. In fact the church was spun off from the old St. Andrew’s which, sadly, has long since been closed.
For me, it is parish that formed a lot of my history. A place I pretty much grew up in. A place I’ve called my spiritual home for a good part of my life. I learned about the faith here. Received most of the sacraments in this church. Took part in many activities and ministries. For many years I was an altar server. Often the “go-to” sub when someone didn’t show up. I also took part in several versions of the choir. Though my current time is the longest I’ve been in it so far.
It is where The Lego Church Project really go going. With my first display coming up on twenty-one seasons ago. Which was during Season Four. Thus in that time my work has become part of the parish life and history during Advent and Christmas. During covid it was the one place I was able to display at during Season twenty-one.
Parishes should do what they can to be a place that is welcoming. To say hello to everyone who walks in those doors. It is one of the things that I love about our parish. We greet each other and find out what is going on in our lives. Over the years the parish has had many come though the doors for a visit. Some even decide to remain. It is a place that I feel at home. A place where I can spend some time in the chapel seeking out God as I place my troubles before Him. We also have Rosary before Mass. Along with a small, but dedicated, choir. With a music director who does an amazing job of picking a musical balance. St. Helen’s is a place that I love being at and praying in.
Everyday I pray for the needs of our parish. Along with the needs of other parishes. I pray for Christ The Good Shepherd parish that we would once again see the numbers that we had when I was growing up. That our desire to be at Mass is more important than our desire to follow the demands of the world.
With each display that I do at Christ The Good Shepherd the goals remain the same. I pray that we get a lot of visitors to the parish. Not only to see the amazing things that God is doing in my life. But also to see what God is doing in our parish. To see the welcoming place that we have become. That at the end of the day more would return to the church. -