In this episode, I discuss the heresy of the "Prosperty Doctrine" and how it has led to the ruin of many lives and souls. Jesus promised that Christians will suffer. If anyone says differently, they are liars.
Photo credit: By RobertMWorsham - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=62092398
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It is a spiritual works of mercy to point out heretical errors that make a mockery of the Gospel. Super wealthy televangelists who abuse charity for profit like Copeland, Duplantiss, and Bakker are shameless charlatans of their trade and rightly should be called out.
A Catholic friend of mine promotes his own church to gently mock these guys. He calls it "the church of the Heavy Buck," which promises "deliverance for dollars." And if you sign up to be "saved," he offers special offers like "a photostatic copy of you-know-who's yearbook." Of course, all of this is tongue in cheek humor, not to be taken seriously.
It's hard to fathom how so many are duped into a prosperity gospel whenā¦