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The Artist's Way

Writer's picture: stephanienjakesstephanienjakes


My mind upon waking before I started The Artist’s Way and doing morning pages and having artist’s dates with myself:

“I hope Tico (my 15 year old dog) is okay, will he be able to walk today, how am I going to keep paying for all his meds, how am I going to get through this day, what if I get sick and can’t work, what if no one is there to take care of me or walk the dogs, what if my life never means anything, what if I really am not good enough, what if I get some terrible disease and die and no one is here to look after the animals?”


My mind now:

“Woohoo, another day to live, dream and explore! I can’t wait to see what serendipities and synchronicities happen today. I wonder what is in store for me today? What kinds of surprises will I find? I am so lucky to have my animals and my job and my friends!  I’m so grateful they are all healthy! I can accomplish anything I want. I have so much creative energy I don’t know what to explore first. Maybe I’ll take a trip! Maybe I'll rent a flat in Paris for a couple weeks this Spring along the banks of the river Seine! Or go get coffee somewhere new or walk a new trail or paint a picture or write a song or just cuddle up on the couch and love on my babies and work on my Artist’s Way workbook or turn all the lights down and sing and dance around my living room while burning some incense or watch an old movie or walk barefoot in the grass just to see how it feels or try a new recipe or go out for a walk and just see what happens…!!!”


The Artist’s Way is life changing. And it makes perfect sense. We have this little inner child and like all children, she is full of optimism, wonder and awe at life and LOVE. She wants to explore, she wants to have adventures, she wants to BE NURTURED.


And that is what this process does. It nurtures our souls. It feeds our spirits. I soothes our inner child artist (and yes we all have one.)

It invites our Creator into deeper relationship with us.

This is a deeply spiritual process at its core.

The possibilities for our lives are endless. And we were meant to live life joyfully, creatively and connected to our Creator.

Simple as that.

And this simple process of writing three pages each morning (the output) and having an artist’s date with yourself each week (the input) will energize your soul and life. It will connect to THE FLOW of life where things are just easy again.

The Artist’s date is like filling your well. The morning pages are like a signal to the universe of what you like and don’t like. And everyone who has ever done them, whether skeptically or whole-heartedly, has found that you will begin to realize that God/The Universe (whatever you want to call it) is listening to what you say, participating in bringing you more inner freedom and joy, rearranging your life to be in alignment with HIS WILL. And of course, the Creator’s will is for us to live creatively, happily, easily and freely.

This works for everyone... attorneys, mechanics, retirees, housewives, moms, dads, EVERYONE. You don't have to be a painter or a writer or in some blatantly creative profession. Whatever you do, you will find that you now can do it better and more effectively and with less effort. And with more drive and more passion. Your LIFE will change.


My first week of living this way, I noticed I had become more lighthearted and playful. Even doing ordinary tasks like washing dishes became fun. I would splash the dogs with a little water, and they instantly picked up on the fact that it’s playtime! We’re having FUN NOW! They would go grab a toy and want me to chase them.

That’s the great thing about animals. They live in this state of attunement and alignment.

So do children.

So if you’re unhappy with life, you are really just unhappy with yourself. If you are bored with life, you’re bored with yourself. If you’re angry at life, you are deep down just angry with yourself… because you have abandoned your inner artist child.

Once you begin living this way, you will attract others that are living authentically and true to themselves. And that is a beautiful thing!

It’s never too late! Start TODAY! Get reconnected with yourself!

This change is real and permanent. All you have to do is continue to do the morning pages and have your artist’s dates. And don’t worry, it’s something you will not abandon. Once you see and experience the value in living this way, I promise you will NEVER GO BACK!

Be like the little bird hatching from its shell, ready and excited to see what this life is all about… just be prepared for magic!

Be aggressively free! (A line in a song called IT'S ALL NOW by a British sister band I'd never heard of before but discovered my 1st week of living this way!)



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