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The Magic of Vision

Writer's picture: stephanienjakesstephanienjakes

Updated: Apr 20, 2024

I have this picture in my hallway of this very statue and says: "VISION: It's kind of fun to do the impossible." Walt Disney

We bought this years ago and it's speaking to me now. Is anything really impossible? I don't think so. All things are possible with Christ.

I recently attended a leasing rally and for the last hour, we made vision boards. Now, I am not into all that new age stuff anymore and all my trust is in Christ... BUT it is a proven fact that you are 80% more likely to accomplish your goals if you can see them, if you write them down.

And where does our vision come from anyway but God almighty himself?

The holy scriptures say; Delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

And in Numbers 23:19 it says "God is not a man that he should lie. And HE will finish what HE started in us.

I stand on these scriptures and God continues to affirm and re-affirm them in me.

I have a strong sense that we are entering a new era, an age where God will lift us up in his mercy, pour out his blessings upon us even as he shakes down and converts the evil that is in the world. Yes, I truly believe this will be a time of great blessings for God's people and deep changes and conversions for those who have previously rejected HIM. He's God. He can do what he wants. And he wants ALL of us!

So my own vision and the desires of my heart have never been more clear. I believe God will and is finishing the work he started in me.

Much of the work I've been doing in this wilderness season is understanding how to create healthy communication, how to talk through challenges and triggers without pushing your partner away. How to create a safe place within a relationship where everyone feels heard, valued, important, respected and well... SAFE.

Much of this also has to do with understanding attachment styles and how to cope with what triggers you and your partner's fears in a healthy way that creates solutions, team work and an opportunity to build a life together with ease and grace.

It's really not that hard.

God never intended for it to be hard. Knowing when to pull back and give space to be, room to breathe, self care, self love, being able to be happy on your own but HAPPIER with him, showing you want him and he's needed and valued without the pressure of neediness... not depending on your partner for everything but on GOD for everything... allowing the flow... this sustains and creates attraction which is also vital!! This is like air to a flame. Every relationship needs to breathe, air fans the flame 🔥!

Awareness, understanding and empathetic communication are the keys to this kingdom. And now I HAVE THEM! Halleluiah!!

I want a FAMLY. I want a loving husband, a happy home and children! Maybe one... maybe even two! I'm not afraid anymore!

I want Disney trips, family dinners, trips to monasteries and scared places... and the zoo... and just quiet moments watching tv or movies together cuddled up on the couch... and taking walks with the dogs and teaching them about nature and God in those simple ways.

I want to raise children to know and honor our God. I want to plant seeds that will live long beyond me and create blessings and GLORY for God and his kingdom. I want to create a life of beauty, joy, peace and magic.

These are the desires God has placed in my heart... and he's NOT a man that HE should lie or not complete HIS work.

I've actually never felt younger, more energized or more capable.

I am ready. This is my siren call to God, the Universe and THE ONE. This is my vision.

And where God sows vision he provides provision. In other words, He provides for the vision.

I see rainbows, love, and fun ahead! (Oh, and mouse ears!)

Bring it on... and have a magical day! ✨️

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